How To Become A Little League Umpire

So you want to become a Little League umpire. Looks pretty easy from outside the fence, after all, how hard can it be, right?

The truth is, anyone can step on the field and umpire a game, but will you be successful? Yes, you can!

 Just like any other job you need to prepare. If you follow these simple tips, you can be on the field in no time calling balls and strikes.

A Good Understanding of the Game

Just because you played the game or watched it on television doesn’t necessarily mean you actually understand everything that is going on. As an umpire, you will look at the game in a totally different way.

All baseball programs are slightly different. You will need to learn the Little League rules and regulations and keep up to date on changes.


Plan on how much time you want to put into umpiring. While most games are generally around the two-hour mark, keep in mind that some will be shorter and some will be longer. Allow for taking time off to attend meetings, rule seminars, and on-field clinics.

Physically Fit

Be physically fit. If your thinking this job will be a walk in the park you are mistaken. Expect the work to be physically demanding.

To be in the proper positions to make the call you will need to often jog into position. The higher level of ball you do the faster the player’s get and the quicker you will need to be.

Be prepared to be on your feet for at least two hours per game. Depending on your location the hot & cold temperatures can take a toll on your body. Stay hydrated and dress appropriately. Some games are shorter and some are longer, but regardless be ready to go the distance.

Stay Focused

Stay focused on the game. If you played, you probably remember times during the game where you may have been daydreaming during a pitch or a play. As an umpire, you will need to pay attention to every pitch and every play. After all, you are there to make the calls. The calls don’t make themselves.

Where To Start

The first step is to search out a league. This can easily be done by looking up local little Leagues on the web.These pages will often have a contact that can point you in the right direction. Contact the president of the league or the Umpire in Charge (UIC). They will be able to assist you in getting started.

Don’t be discouraged if you don’t get a response quickly. Little League depends on volunteers and they may or may not check their email daily.

Some league or areas rely on umpires from associations. You may have to search a little deeper to find the association that represents your area, but remember the kids need umpires for the games. They are out there so keep looking if you don’t get a response in a timely manner.


Once you find a league or association, you will need to fill out an application. Here is where you will provide all your information including name, address, phone number & email address. You may even be required to supply your social security number. Be prepared to also provide a couple of personal references and note if you have been a member of a volunteer organization.

Game Time

Now that you’ve gotten the basic things out of the way, it’s time to hit the field. There are a few things you will need like a uniform and some protective gear but most of all you need to have fun!

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