

To be honest, there isn’t one simple answer. For the love of the game, for the kids, the love of being outdoors, the love of getting to umpire the big game. Actually all of these. There is nothing better than being outside on a ball field on a beautiful day hearing the sound of kids and parents cheering and the sound of the bat hitting the ball. No game is ever the same. I still see things I never thought I’d see and never thought were possible and that is what keeps me coming back game after game. I really have a great time and get to interact with a lot of people. It’s a blast. 


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Like so many other people out there,  I love the game of baseball. And like many others I coached a youth baseball team. These kids were 7-8-year-olds. I didn’t have a kid on the team, heck I didn’t even have a kid at all, but I knew I wanted to be involved in the game I loved somehow. I enjoyed working with the kids on the team and teaching them the game I love, but I wasn’t in it just for the “W” . But after two years of coaching I got bit by the bug. The umpire bug that is. I would watch high school kids on the field umpiring games I was coaching, doing their best to be fair and get every call right, but they had no training to be an umpire. I said to myself that if a high school kid could do it I surely could do it better. Well, the joke was on me. I stepped out of my comfort zone, and learned the basics. 

 I’ve umpired all levels of youth and recreational baseball. I’ve put in hundreds of hours in reading rulebooks, going to clinics and actual umpiring games. I have umpired the Little League World Series in Williamsport in 2015 and the Senior Little League World Series in Easley, SC in 2022. Not only did I get to umpire the tournament, but I was honored to be given the plate for the World Championship game between Japan and Pennsylvania in Williamsport and the plate for the US Championship game between Texas and Virginia in the Senior World Series.


Become An Umpire came to me after years of seeing umpires on the field that did care about their appearance, rules and wanting to improve. All they seemed to care about was how long or short the game was and how much money they were making. When I started umpiring, I was very fortunate to have a group of mentors that helped me. They gave me their old equipment, uniforms and tips. I was lucky. This group worked with me, taught and trained me. This is the main reason I’ve created this Become An Umpire to help anyone interested in or even wondering about umpiring. Whether you have never umpired a game before, umpired a few games or been umpiring for years, there is something here for everyone. 

Umpiring is not for the faint of heart. You will get yelled at, you will be called names, you will not be liked. But don’t let this scare you. I does happen but far less than you would think. The rewards far outweigh the bad. Over the years I have met so many great people. Not just umpires, but coaches parents and players. These relationships have lasted several years and will last a lifetime. One thing that makes you proud is when you see a kid you umpired games for when they were in 10 or 11 and now they play in the major leagues. That’s one thing that keeps me coming back for more.


All of the information in the pages of this site are free to read and learn from at no charge to you. Periodically, I share links to relative products which I do have affiliate agreements with. When you use these links, no additional charge occurs for you!

The knowledge on this site was created to help you start, continue and take your game to the next level. I’m thrilled you are here and excited to be a part of your umpiring journey!